School of Neighborhood Life

Picture of table

A 12-month cohort-based journey to accelerate the planting of neighborhood & parish style communities of faith.

Have a Question?

What is the School of Neighborhood Life?
Are you a leader reimagining church as a eucharistic community faithfully present in your neighborhood? If so, you probably know something of the beauty, challenge, and loneliness of the journey.

School of Neighborhood Life

The first half of SNL guides each participating group through a deep exploration of values, practices and mission at the individual and team level. The second half facilitates a broad implementation of the learnings and outcomes into neighborhood life and mission.

Each cohort will consist of 4-6 neighborhood practitioners/church plants. In 2025, there will be cohorts in Ohio and Seattle. David Nixon, the founding director of Sustainable Faith and founding pastor of Vineyard Central, an urban neighborhood church, will lead the Ohio cohort. Jessica Ketola, neighborhood pastor of The Practicing Church in the Seattle area and parish guide with Parish Collective, will lead the Seattle cohort.

What does the SNL Cohort look like?

A learning community will engage a one-year journey that helps leaders: 1) move from living above or apart from place to rooting deeply into the life of their neighborhood; 2) clarify and articulate the deepest values of their faith community; 3) enrich and deepen their life together by exploring and embodying shared practices; and 4) thoroughly examine and excavate their neighborhoods to join God’s work of shalom in their place.

  • Three 2-day, in-person gatherings and an immersive neighborhood experience
  • A monthly, online peer group with a pastor/mentor to facilitate learning, embody practices, and identify the localized invitations of the Spirit.
  • Reading and reflection, assignments, presentations, and shared practices.

At the end of the cohort, SNL alumni will have the opportunity to continue their journey as part of a growing spiritual community that commit to a shared rule of life with fellow sojourners across the country.

What do we mean by church in the neighborhood or parish?

Church is not a building, event, or institution but rather a community of Jesus followers (Christ’s body).

Neighborhood is an identifiable, walkable, human-sized, place that’s “large enough to live a lot of life, [yet] small enough to be a known character in the story of the place” (Sparks et al., The New Parish 2014).

Parish is what emerges when the church (a community of followers of Jesus) moves from living above or apart from place to having a faithful presence in a neighborhood.

The church as parish in a defined neighborhood certainly receives the tangible benefits of their shared life in God, but they also seek the commonwealth of all who live there, paying special attention to the most vulnerable and oppressed.

Is this a good fit?

This might be a good fit if:

  • You long for a more embodied faith among a highly local community who gather around a table rather than sit in pews or rows of chairs.
  • You have a small or burgeoning community of Jesus followers who live in proximity and want to do this with you.
  • You desire the peace (shalom) and well-being of your own neighborhood.
  • You see yourself as a (covert) pastor of your neighborhood.
  • You feel like you have the bandwidth, focus, and energy to commit to the journey.
  • You feel somewhat isolated, lonely, discouraged, and under-supported in your work.

This might not be a good fit if:

  • You feel called to a larger geographic area and a neighborhood feels too small.
  • You lead (or want) a traditional, commuter church.
  • You’ve been wounded by the church and feel bitterness towards her.
  • You don’t see why neighborhood matters.
  • You’re often overwhelmed with your current responsibilities or have significant financial, marital, relational, or health stressors.
  • You already have a good network of support and have commitments to it.

If this resonates with you, we are currently accepting applications for our 2025 cohorts.

How do parish leaders participate?

Interested parish leaders are asked to submit a one- page Letter of Intent, describing: 1) how the SNL journey might be helpful and transformative to you in this season; 2) the nature and stage of your community; 3) what in our description of SNL resonates with your own desire for a eucharistic table community in your neighborhood, and; 4) what challenges you think might need to be addressed.

Participation is largely based on a faith community’s willingness, readiness, and capacity to innovate, risk, and reimagine church as a transformational community sharing life together to embody Christ’s love in their neighborhoods. Additionally, participants’ overall well-being (financial, relational, spiritual, physical) will be assessed to ensure they have the bandwidth and margin to commit to this investment of time, energy, and funding. Currently, SNL is backed by a grant covering the tuition costs of the learning community, totaling $2,500 per participant. Participants will be responsible for their travel and lodging expenses. An additional Equity Scholarship is available for people with marginalized identities and those in need (limited to 25% of registrants). Participants who have more than enough resources to cover their costs are encouraged to donate to support increased access to our program through the Equity Scholarship.

Interested? Any parish leader interested in learning more and possibly submitting a one-page Letter of Intent, can schedule a 15-minute information session with the cohort lead or simply email their Letter to

If you're interested in establishing a class in your area, we’re interested in talking with you! Contact us

In-Person and Hybrid Cohorts*


*Hybrid cohorts meet in person for three immersive gatherings in addition to monthly online gatherings.