At Sustainable Faith, we are convinced supervision is essential to a spiritual director’s growth in skill and discernment.
Our Affiliate Supervisors are seasoned spiritual directors themselves, specifically trained to encourage and enhance the
professional and personal development of other directors. Employing an evocative, contemplative and discerning approach,
our supervisors help spiritual directors grow in self-awareness and interior freedom so they may, in turn, companion
others more effectively.
Supervisors Listing - Terms of Use
Sustainable Faith (hereafter “SF”) doesn’t check or warrant all the info our Affiliates provide us. SF does limited pre-screening for
certain qualifications but doesn’t endorse or recommend any supervisor listed. You’re solely responsible for identifying and engaging the
services of a spiritual director supervisor. You’re responsible for arranging meetings with and making payment to the spiritual director. You’ll use
this list and its info only for finding a director, not for any other type of solicitation.
Furthermore, you understand & agree that SF isn’t responsible for the acts, omissions, or services of any of the supervisors listed
or for any other actions taken based on the information furnished by SF. You hereby waive and release any claims, known or unknown, that
you may have, or which may accrue to you in the future, against SF, its officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives and
volunteers (collectively “Sustainable Faith”) for any personal injury, contract-related, or other claim, arising out of your using this
list and/or your engagement of a supervisor through SF. Additionally, you agree to defend, hold SF harmless from, and indemnify
it against, any such claims. This agreement is binding on your heirs, assigns and legal representatives.